LSC-CyFair Wins TSGC’s Top Overall Design Award
Congratulations go to Lone Star College-CyFair’s engineering students on Team CY-SMIC (an acronym for CyFair – Station Mounted Interface for Cameras) for their first-place Top Overall Design Team win at the Texas Space Grant Consortium’s (TSGC) Annual Design Challenge. With their camera attachment device design and prototype for Extravehicular Activity (EVA) applications, the team took first in Poster, Oral Presentation and the new category of Peer Judging (by 12 other teams, all from four-year universities), as well as fourth for Best Model. These awards come with $1,000 prize for each member. Team CY-SMIC members from left are Tripp Manzella, Fei Xie, David Rubio, Daniel Laverde and Justin Gallegos.