Economic Impact

Economic Impact

Our member colleges make a huge impact on the Texas Gulf Coast region. We are proud of the work that we do and the effect that we have on the Houston area. The colleges continue to help the local and national economy grow due to the work that we provide daily.

Investment Analysis

TGCCCC served 222.594 credit students and 83,571 non-credit students in the 2008-2009 reporting year.

Education increases lifetime income. The average income at the career midpoint of someone with an associate degree in the Texas Gulf Coast is $58,000, 36% more than a student with a high school diploma.

Economic Growth Analysis

Added income attributable to the accumulation of TGCCCC skills amounts to $7.4 billion each year.

For every dollar of support, taxpayers see a cumulative return of $2.20 over the course of students’ working careers (in the form of higher tax receipts and avoided costs).

Business Perspective

TGCCCC employed 7,143 full-time and 6,292 part-time faculty and staff in the 2008-09 reporting year, with an annual payroll of $564.8 million.

The net added income generated by TGCCCC operations ($485.1 million) and the spending of non-local students ($22.2 million) contributes a total of $507.3 million in income to the Texas Gulf Coast economy each year.

Taxpayer Perspective

An estimated 96% of TGCCCC students remain in Texas and contribute to economic growth. Students who enter the workforce expand the tax base by generating higher earnings and reducing social costs.

For every dollar appropriated by state and local governments to TGCCCC, taxpayers will see a return with a cumulative added value of $2.20 in the form of higher tax revenues and avoided social costs.

Social Perspective

The activities of TGCCCC’s 2008-09 student body will generate about $794.7 million in labor income in the state economy each year.

Education is statistically correlated with improved lifestyle behaviors, including reduced incidences of absenteeism, alcohol abuse, and smoking, lower probability of committing crime, and fewer welfare and unemployment claims.

Student Perspective

Students enjoy an attractive 15.8% rate of return on their TGCCCC educational investment.

By 2020 it is anticipated that there will be about 1.6 million new and replacement jobs available in the Texas Gulf Coast. About 29% of these jobs will require an education level equal to an associate degree or greater.

Hear What Our Students Have to Say!

  • The Early college high school gives you an opportunity to get a high school diploma and two years worth of college here at Lee College. The most significant advantage I think is that it exposes you to so many classes that you wouldn't have at a high school. It exposes you to fields of study, majors that you wouldn't have at high school.

    Siavash Zamirpour
    Siavash Zamirpour Early College High School Student, Lee College
  • I chose to come to Alvin Community College because of its level of academic excellence.

    Nkechi Okoro
    Nkechi Okoro ADN Student, Alvin Community College